报告题目:Fast computation of the semiclassical Schrödinger equation
报告人:Arieh Iserles教授
时 间:2014年5月12号上午9:00-10:00
地 点:永利3044浏览器南区2号楼313会议室
Arieh Iserles,英国剑桥大学应用数学和理论物理系教授,应用与计算分析中心主任,剑桥大学亚当斯奖评审团主席。Arieh Iserles教授是国际著名数值分析专家,研究领域为微分方程数值分析和高振荡积分,在微分方程的李群方法、高振荡积分的高效计算等方面做出了杰出贡献,发表国际高水平学术论文140多篇。Arieh Iserles教授1999年获得挪威Lars Onsager奖,2012年获得英国伦敦数学学会授予的David Crighton奖,2012年应邀在第6届欧洲数学大会上作邀请报告。
The computation of the semiclassical Schrödinger equation presents a number of difficult challenges because of the presence of high oscillation and the need to respect unitarity. Typical strategy involves a spectral method in space and Strang splitting in time, but it is of low accuracy and sensitive to high oscillation. In this talk we sketch an alternative strategy, based on high-order symmetric Zassenhaus splittings, combined with spectral collocation, which preserve unitarity and whose accuracy is immune to high oscillation. These splittings can be implemented with large time steps and allow for an exceedingly affordable computation of underlying exponentials.